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800 247 2537Horario de atención de Lun a Vie de 9:00 - 18:00 Hora de México
American Industries’ Reynosa Industrial Park

Industrial park in Reynosa

American Industries Reynosa Industrial Park has high quality industrial properties in Guadalajara, competitive leasing rates and the most strategic location in the region.

Connectivity - American Industries® - Parque Industrial Reynosa

Industrial park features

Reynosa Industrial Park

Available land: 34.93 has/86.31 acres
Total land area: 50.41 has/124.59 acres

Shared Fire Protection System FM Compliant

Fire protection system
Pump room: One diesel pump 2500 gpm@145 psi, 250,000 gall water tank
Hydrants: 10 along the street


Substation capacity: 30 MVAs (115 to 13.8 KV)
Available KVA’s rights: 29.2 MVAs
Electrical distribution: Aerial and underground
Public lighting system: By poles on the streets. Metal halide 400 watts

Park Security

Access: San Fernando Highway

Water And Sewer

Water: 9.5 LPS provided by industrial park own well
Treated water: Water treatment plant 3.7 LPS (Phase 1)
Sewer system: Main park line – 12″
Irrigation system: All the landscaping has irrigation system provided by the water treatment plant.

Bus Stop - AeroTech Industrial Park - Querétaro

Available amenities: Bus stop, public transportation, sports & recreational areas.

Natural Gas - AeroTech Industrial Park - Querétaro

Gas: LP gas


Voice & data availability: Digital & POTS lines, data circuits, AD


If you need more information about our industrial parks or properties in Reynosa, please fill out this form and we will get in contact with you shortly.

PHONE (Mexico)

800 247 2537
Attention hours from M to F 9:00 – 18:00 CST


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